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Browse : Entertainment : Memes : DISCORD CHAT


This is a discord chat, that anybody can join really I don’t care. I’m planning to keep the server simple and not make any complicated chats or anything, just basically a bunch of areas to talk and a few bots. Please follow the rules I have put, failure to comply will result in a jailing or mute.

Channel Type: ChatRoom
Alias: @discordchat
Website: https://discord.gg/CMTxCc8B
Kategorien: Fun, Entertainment, Memes
Tags: chat
Content-Bewertung: Teen

Erstellt: Mar 10 2021
Ersteller: sociallyawkwardsoda : Nachricht Senden

Verbindet: 9, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
API Verbindet: 0, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Feb 17, 13:27

Dieser Kanal wird extern gehostet.

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