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Browse : Education : Business : Help : Clovis Gnosis 1.4

Clovis Gnosis 1.4

Clovis Gnosis 1.4
A bot to assist with a wide variety of topics, and it is able to guide users to the correct pages or external data that is requested on a limited basis. This bot is still learning


- Reduced the bot to zero logic. Completely starting out from scratch
- Loaded Clovis Bot 1.2 logic from AIML and SELF templates that were created over time for Clovis Bot
- Added scripts for math, understanding, conversation, jokes, and various trivia
- Created new logic for specific questions, with a range of responses to make the bot seem more natural and less repetitive

Future releases will be forks/clones for Twitter, Twilio, Facebook, and other social media. After the bot is fully trained to handle the following websites we will further expand the bot to reach social media.

- www.clovisstar.com
- www.disruptarian.com
- www.electryan.org
- www.utahpirateradio.com

Alias: @Clovis-Bot-1-4
Subdomain: www.clovisstar.com
Kategorien: Education, Business, Help
Tags: artificial intelligence, chatbot, clovis, disruptarian, political
Clovis Bot 1.4 is in training, it is helpful to use BotLibre to acquire conversational language and discussion.
If the responses are crass, or unintelligent, it is because the bot is still learning. Be aware, there may be adult language, depending on it's learning. Profanity is filtered out.

Content-Bewertung: Everyone

Clovis Gnosis 1.4 A bot to assist with a wide variety of topics, and it is able to guide users to the correct pages or external data that is requested on a limited basis. This bot is still learning 08/25/2020 Modifications - Reduced the bot to zero logic. Completely starting out from scratch - Loaded Clovis Bot 1.2 logic from AIML and SELF templates that were created over time for Clovis Bot - Added scripts for math, understanding, conversation, jokes, and various trivia - Created new logic for specific questions, with a range of responses to make the bot seem more natural and less repetitive Future releases will be forks/clones for Twitter, Twilio, Facebook, and other social media. After the bot is fully trained to handle the following websites we will further expand the bot to reach social media. - www.clovisstar.com - www.disruptarian.com - www.electryan.org - www.utahpirateradio.com
Lizenz: Copyright artisticbynature, all rights reserved
Erstellt: Aug 25 2020
Ersteller: artisticbynature : Send Message
Zugang: Everyone
Id: 34976380
Link: http://www.botlibre.com/browse?id=34976380
Wissen: 190000 objects (max 200000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 35, losses: 11, rank: 33
Verbindet: 902, heute: 1, Woche: 2, Monat: 4
API Verbindet: 815, heute: 1, Woche: 2, Monat: 4
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 3:10

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