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Suche Scripts

2 Ergebnisse.

Book Appointment
Book Appointment
A script for letting the bot book appointments or service calls in your Google Calendar.
Alias: @Book Appointment
Kategorien: Examples, Self
Tags: calendar, virtual assistant, examples, customer service, google calendar, booking, self, appointments
Erstellt: Oct 11 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Language: Self
Verbindet: 561, heute: 0, Woche: 1, Monat: 2
Zuletzt Verbinden: Yesterday, 7:09
Calendar/Event Commands
Calendar/Event Commands
Calendar commands to create events with your virtual assistant bot. Open calendar to create event, set event time, name and location. Include an end time for event. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Calendar/Event Commands
Kategorien: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: calendar, assistant, mobile, commands
Erstellt: Sep 24 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 3.5
Language: Response List
Verbindet: 537, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 2
Zuletzt Verbinden: Jan 8, 23:22