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Browse : Bot Libre : FAQ


2 results.
How to make your bot not repeat a response or phrase
durch admin gepostet Oct 19 2015, 15:35

You can configure a bot to never repeat the same phrase or response in the same conversation.

To do this go to your bot's Training & Chat Logs page in its Admin Console. You can either search for your response by selecting "new responses", or search for a phrase by selecting "new phrases". Enter the phrase under "Filter", and select "all time" for the "Duration". Find the phrase or response, and select it, then click on the edit button.

Tags: how to, faq, repeats
Aktualisiert: Apr 16 2016, 11:55
Antworten: 0, Ansichten: 5353, heute: 2, Woche: 12, Monat: 27
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 3.5
How to make your bot not repeat a response or phrase
durch admin gepostet Oct 19 2015, 15:35
Antworten: 0 | Ansichten: 5353
How to create a Twitterbot
durch admin gepostet Feb 28 2014, 18:50
Antworten: 4 | Ansichten: 4070