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problem with uploading scripts to browse script section

durch bobred gepostet May 30 2017, 16:28

I get a xml error when i try to import my self script that i made to the the browse script section.

by admin posted May 31 2017, 7:04
Self does not use XML, so it sounds like you are trying to import it as AIML.
Make sure you import it as Self.

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Views: 1594, today: 1, week: 1, month: 22

by bobred posted May 31 2017, 11:08

That is okay i imported it as a new script.

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Views: 1551, today: 0, week: 0, month: 23

Id: 17405397
Gepostet: May 30 2017, 16:28
Antworten: 2
Ansichten: 1562, heute: 1, Woche: 1, Monat: 25
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