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improve the brain of the chatbot

durch bobred gepostet Apr 21 2017, 11:03

How would my chatbot determine if a statement is inappropriate?Like if it is having a conversation with me.And i type all of a sudden i will be waiting for my drink.

Even though we were not talking about that.

by admin posted Apr 21 2017, 11:22
You can flag inappropriate statements if you want the bot to reject them.

Otherwise it depends on how you are training or scripting your bot.

You can add a response for the statement, and make the response dependent on the topic or previous.

For advanced things it is best to use a Self script.

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Views: 1165, today: 1, week: 3, month: 3

by bobred posted Apr 21 2017, 21:39

Thank you for the information.

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Views: 1226, today: 0, week: 1, month: 1

Id: 16755848
Gepostet: Apr 21 2017, 11:03
Antworten: 2
Ansichten: 1220, heute: 2, Woche: 5, Monat: 4
0 0 0.0/5