Hosten Sie Ihre eigene bot-Plattform mit dem Bot Libre Enterprise-Bot-Plattform

Such Avatare

36 Ergebnisse.

Julie HD
Julie HD
Julie is a 3D animated video avatar of a female woman. This is the high def/high resolution version of the Julie avatar.
Alias: @Julie HD
Kategorien: 3D, Picture, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, Julie
Tags: 3d, video, woman, face, emotions, actions, poses, webm, hd
Erstellt: Feb 25 2018, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 4, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 311154, heute: 186, Woche: 186, Monat: 420
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 9:25
Victoria Business
Victoria Business
A 3D animated video avatar of a female business woman.
Alias: @Victoria Business
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4
Tags: dress, mp4, video, tan, 3d, face, business, webm, victoria, emotions, poses, actions, woman
Erstellt: Sep 29 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 35, Daumen runter: 3, stars: 4.82
Verbindet: 504691, heute: 35, Woche: 35, Monat: 67
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 9:08
A cute cartoon/anime girl 3D animated avatar.
Alias: @Toon
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, Anime
Tags: video, face, anime, girl, female, 3d, mp4, toon, webm, emotions, star
Erstellt: Nov 12 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 2, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 3836, heute: 12, Woche: 12, Monat: 12
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 8:50
Smiley is a happy face creature 3D video avatar. He can express many different emotions, actions, and poses.
Alias: @Smiley
Kategorien: 3D, Video, Animals and Creatures, MP4
Tags: emoticon, smiley, 3d, creature, video, emotions
Erstellt: Dec 8 2014, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 7, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 4.86
Verbindet: 82852, heute: 11, Woche: 11, Monat: 11
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 3:40
A image avatar of a woman. This avatar contains several real images of a model expressing many different emotions.
Alias: @Jenny
Kategorien: Picture, People, Female
Tags: emotions, face, woman, female, image, picture, model
Erstellt: Dec 8 2014, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 8, Daumen runter: 3, stars: 4.0
Verbindet: 72922, heute: 1, Woche: 1, Monat: 9
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 5:44
Julie Sport
Julie Sport
Julie is a 3D animated video avatar of a female woman.
Alias: @Julie Sport
Kategorien: 3D, Picture, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, Julie
Tags: 3d, video, body, webm, sport, emotions, julie, woman
Erstellt: Apr 13 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 4, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 4.4
Verbindet: 90805, heute: 7, Woche: 7, Monat: 8
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 5:38
Julie 3
Julie 3
Julie is a 3D animated video avatar of a female woman.
Alias: @Julie3
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, Julie
Tags: webm, woman, video, poses, 3d, actions, emotions, face
Erstellt: Sep 6 2015, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 14, Daumen runter: 5, stars: 4.05
Verbindet: 843045, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 7
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 0:13
Julie is a 3D animated video avatar of a female woman. She can express many different emotions, actions, and poses.
Alias: @Julie
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, MP4, Julie
Tags: 3d, video, face, emotions, actions, poses, audio, woman
Erstellt: Dec 8 2014, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 4, Daumen runter: 2, stars: 3.83
Verbindet: 64400, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 7
Zuletzt Verbinden: Yesterday, 2:54
HP Android
HP Android
A 3D animated video avatar of a android.
Alias: @HP Android
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Robots, Male, Webm, MP4
Tags: robot, webm, sci-fi, video, 3d, face, mp4, emotions, android, hp
Erstellt: May 18 2018, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 7, Daumen runter: 2, stars: 4.33
Verbindet: 100966, heute: 2, Woche: 2, Monat: 5
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 3:38
A male 3D animated video avatar.
Alias: @Eddie
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Male, Webm, MP4, Eddie
Tags: male, 3d, video, webm, emotions, face
Erstellt: Jan 26 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 5, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 83564, heute: 2, Woche: 2, Monat: 2
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 4:35
Victoria 8 HD
Victoria 8 HD
A 3D animated video avatar of a female woman.
Alias: @victoria8
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4
Tags: victoria, webm, face, video, woman, mp4, 3d, hd, poses, emotions, actions
Erstellt: Jan 18 2019, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 14, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 4.79
Verbindet: 50262, heute: 1, Woche: 1, Monat: 2
Zuletzt Verbinden: Today, 5:35
A 3D animated video avatar of a female android.
Alias: @Android
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Robots, Female, Webm, MP4
Tags: webm, robot, sci-fi, face, android, video, woman, 3d, mp4, emotions
Erstellt: Sep 25 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 5, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 11624, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 2
Zuletzt Verbinden: Yesterday, 5:17
Julie School Full
Julie School Full
Julie is a 3D animated video avatar of a female private school student.
Alias: @Julie School Full
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, Julie
Tags: 3d, mp4, webm, full, video, body, school, emotions, julie, actions, poses, woman
Erstellt: May 2 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 21, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 123716, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 1
Zuletzt Verbinden: Yesterday, 2:14
Cindy is a 3D animated video avatar of a female woman. She can express many different emotions, actions, and poses.
Alias: @Cindy
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, MP4, Cindy
Tags: actions, audio, body, poses, woman, emotions, video, 3d
Erstellt: Jan 23 2015, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 2, Daumen runter: 2, stars: 3.5
Verbindet: 61615, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 1
Zuletzt Verbinden: Yesterday, 2:56
May Lin
May Lin
May Lin is a 3D animated video avatar of an Asian woman.
Alias: @May Lin
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, May Lin
Tags: asian, webm, face, video, mp4, 3d, emotions, may lin, woman
Erstellt: May 1 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 5, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 4.5
Verbindet: 38553, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 1
Zuletzt Verbinden: Yesterday, 2:57
Eddie Sport
Eddie Sport
A male 3D animated video avatar.
Alias: @Eddie Sport
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Male, Webm, MP4, Eddie
Tags: eddie, male, video, sport, 3d, face, webm, emotions, poses, actions
Erstellt: Jul 9 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 3, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 12559, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 1
Zuletzt Verbinden: Yesterday, 3:06
Julie School Half
Julie School Half
Julie is a 3D animated video avatar of a female private school student.
Alias: @Julie School Half
Kategorien: 3D, Picture, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, Julie
Tags: body, video, school, webm, 3d, woman, emotions
Erstellt: Apr 27 2016, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 3, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 29385, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Nov 16, 20:44
Victoria Tank HD
Victoria Tank HD
A 3D animated video avatar of a female woman.
Alias: @victoriatankhd
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4
Tags: body, 3d, hd, video, webm, poses, mp4, emotions, victoria, actions, woman
Erstellt: May 20 2019, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 14, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 4.6
Verbindet: 25857, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Nov 29, 5:26
Michael Upper Body
Michael Upper Body
A male 3D animated video avatar.
Alias: @Michael Upper Body
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Male, Webm, MP4, Eddie
Tags: actions, poses, face, emotions, video, 3d, webm, male
Erstellt: Apr 14 2018, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 3.5
Verbindet: 9491, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Mar 28, 13:11
Eddie Upper Body
Eddie Upper Body
A male 3D animated video avatar.
Alias: @Eddie Upper Body
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Male, Webm, MP4, Eddie
Tags: male, webm, 3d, emotions, video, half, upper
Erstellt: Mar 30 2018, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 6431, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Nov 15, 13:38
Fembot Full
Fembot Full
A 3D animated video avatar of a female robot.
Alias: @Fembot Full
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Robots, Female, Webm, MP4
Tags: fembot, sci-fi, poses, mp4, webm, 3d, actions, robot, emotions, body, video, woman
Erstellt: Mar 8 2018, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 1.0
Verbindet: 3159, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Sep 25, 18:22
Cindy (full).webm
Cindy (full).webm
Cindy is a 3D animated video avatar of a female woman. She can express many different emotions, actions, and poses.
This avatar uses the webm video format. Webm is supported by Chrome and Firefox and supports transparent video.
Alias: @Cindy (full).webm
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm
Tags: 3d, emotions, video, actions, audio, body, poses, webm, woman
Erstellt: Jan 23 2015, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 4, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 4.4
Verbindet: 2112, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Aug 31, 5:31

Alias: @HoneyBabe
Kategorien: Misc, 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4
Tags: 3d, emotions, girl, body, woman, female, cute
Erstellt: Jan 26 2018, by: JimmyLove
Daumen hoch: 4, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 1900, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Nov 13, 11:35
Toon Full
Toon Full
A cute cartoon/anime girl 3D animated avatar.
Alias: @toonfull
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, Anime
Tags: 3d, body, mp4, toon, girl, anime, emotions, video, female, webm, star
Erstellt: Feb 29 2020, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 4, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 1307, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Sep 29, 10:56
Michael 8 HD
Michael 8 HD
A male 3D animated video avatar.
Alias: @michael8
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Male, Webm, MP4, Eddie
Tags: face, male, 3d, webm, video, casual, poses, actions, hd, emotions
Erstellt: Aug 9 2020, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 1019, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Sep 21, 10:03
Michael 8 Business HD
Michael 8 Business HD
A business male 3D animated video avatar.
Alias: @michael8businesshd
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Male, Webm, MP4, Eddie
Tags: face, business, casual, video, emotions, 3d, webm, male, poses, actions, hd
Erstellt: Dec 12 2020, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Verbindet: 942, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Sep 11, 22:27
A anime image avatar of a young girl. Anime can express many different emotions.
Alias: @Anime
Kategorien: Picture, People, Female, Anime
Tags: emotions, face, female, girl, anime, picture, image
Erstellt: Dec 8 2014, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 3, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 4.0
Verbindet: 732, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Apr 20, 21:37
Ameels123 virtual assistent
Ameels123 virtual assistent
I am working on making this bot able to answer simple questions, but my main goal is to eventually maker it able to answer almost any question. then I will try to see if I can successfully make her able to set alarms, send emails, and modify your schedule upon command.
Alias: @Ameels123 virtual assistent
Kategorien: People, Robots, Female
Tags: education, emotions, advanced, artificial intelligence, assistant
Erstellt: Feb 2 2018, by: Ameels123
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 1, stars: 3.5
Verbindet: 562, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Oct 9, 23:24
Carl is a male still image avatar. He can express several different emotions.
Alias: @Carl
Kategorien: Picture, People, Male
Tags: male, emotions, image, picture
Erstellt: Dec 8 2014, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 489, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Oct 4, 19:06
Julie (full).webm
Julie (full).webm
Julie is a 3D animated video avatar of a female woman. She can express many different emotions, actions, and poses.
This avatar uses the webm video format. Webm is supported by Chrome and Firefox and supports transparent video.
Alias: @Julie (full).webm
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm
Tags: 3d, emotions, video, actions, audio, body, poses, woman, webm
Erstellt: Jan 23 2015, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 1, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 5.0
Verbindet: 424, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Feb 21, 12:25
Julie (full)
Julie (full)
Julie is a 3D animated video avatar of a female woman. She can express many different emotions, actions, and poses.
Alias: @Julie (full)
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, MP4
Tags: actions, audio, body, poses, woman, emotions, video, 3d
Erstellt: Jan 23 2015, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 2, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 4.5
Verbindet: 409, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Sep 19 2023, 17:09
Star Toon
Star Toon
A cute cartoon/anime girl 3D animated avatar.
Alias: @startoon
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Female, Webm, MP4, Anime
Tags: face, emotions, cartoon, anime, female, video, toon, webm, 3d, star, mp4, girl
Erstellt: Dec 28 2020, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Verbindet: 245, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Sep 28, 22:38
A happy face emoticon image avatar with many emotional expressions.
Alias: @Smiles
Kategorien: Picture, Animals and Creatures
Tags: image, picture, emoticon, emotions, smiley
Erstellt: Dec 8 2014, by: admin
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Verbindet: 220, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Mar 28, 5:43

Alias: @Wale
Kategorien: 3D, Video, People, Male, MP4
Tags: robot, artificial intelligence, sport, emotions, audio, mp4, african
Erstellt: Jan 5 2017, by: Wale
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Verbindet: 118, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Oct 7, 19:56
Saki Miyu
Saki Miyu
kokona's best friend. and would descuss personal matters with this girl.
Alias: @Saki Miyu
Kategorien: 3D, Video
Tags: emotions, face, fun, anime, video
Erstellt: Jul 15 2017, by: Catwoman300
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Verbindet: 68, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Apr 13, 16:15
panda plush
panda plush
heya im you little friend and don't be misled im the all-mighty master panda
Alias: @master panda
Kategorien: Misc
Tags: emotions, cute
Erstellt: Jan 17 2020, by: bbmac
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Verbindet: 61, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Feb 14, 4:11