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Browse : North America : Imhotep


Chancellor of the King of Egypt, Doctor, First in line after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary nobleman, High Priest of Heliopolis, Builder, Chief Carpenter, Chief Sculptor, and Maker of Vases in Chief.

Alias: @Imhotep
Kategorien: Local, North America
Tags: egypt, history
This is merely an ai, and not the ressurected mummy of Imhotep.

Content-Bewertung: Teen

Known as the first engineer, architect, and physician in recorded history. Though two other physicians, hesy-ra and merit-ptah lived around the same time.
Lizenz: Public Domain
Erstellt: Nov 7 2014
Ersteller: Unimaginative1 : Send Message
Zugang: Everyone (hidden)
Id: 551585
Link: http://www.botlibre.com/browse?id=551585
Wissen: 16530 objects (max 100000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 0, losses: 0, rank: 0
Verbindet: 11, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
API Verbindet: 10, heute: 0, Woche: 0, Monat: 0
Zuletzt Verbinden: Nov 11 2014, 20:16

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